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1. Be Courteous. Always treat other RPers the way you would like them to treat you. If you see something going on IC that bugs you, then go somewhere else. There is enough RP out there that you don't need to take part in every scene you pass. Be polite. Be helpful. If you see something you really can't stand then don't participate. There is never a justification to harass, belittle, publicly shame or otherwise show disrespect to another player.


2. You are NOT your character. Your characters are your extensions, your creations, but you MUST learn to separate ic from ooc. Just because someone doesn't like your character doesn't mean they don't like /you/. You cannot take attacks upon your character as attacks upon yourself, and you haaave to be able to keep your ooc feelings/drama out of ic things. 


3. Stay In Character at all times. Do not drop IC unless it is absolutely necessary, for example, you have to step away from the keyboard. If you MUST go OOC, do so using parenthesis. 


4. It's OK for people NOT to like your character - they don't HAVE to like your character! Just as it is in reality, your character is gonna have friends, and they're gonna have enemies. They're gonna have people who disagree with them, people who just don't care for them, and people who insult them. If you are being out of character, crude, cruel, or even disruptive to a game, do not expect to be liked, or have folks take your side. It's important to remember that people generally have social norms, and breaking them can get you trouble. This also applies to rule number 2- you can't take rp insults to your character personally. IC=/= OOC. 


5. This is not the place for OOC drama, or for dragging OOC drama IC. People you don't like oocly? Great. But until your character is exposed to them and is GIVEN a reason to dislike them, there's no reason for your character to go up to a stranger randomly and insult and attack them. It's rude, it's tacky, and it will not be tolerated in Teehra. It's a big sim, lots of options for roleplay without the drama. This also applies to rule number 2- you can't take rp insults to your character personally. IC=/= OOC. 


6. Not everyone wants to RP with you! You shouldn't be afraid to approach anyone IC-ly. However, do not be offended if you walk up to a couple RPing out something, and they tell you to leave, and that it's a private matter. Not everyone is obligated to RP with you, not everyone should drop whatever plot they're working on and include you. This also applies to rule #5. 


7. Never assume someone will react in a certain way just because you think they should. Always give others the chance to react in their own way, and don’t get upset if the reaction isn’t what you expected.


8. Communicate with your group. Do not let problems fester, conversely give compliments to those doing exceptional jobs. Don't break up a game or a group of friends, because of the inability to express how you're upset so-and-so stepped on your pet frog. 


9. Give others time to react to you. Don't walk up, say something, wait about two seconds and run off. Give the person you have engaged up to five minutes to respond. There’s no need to hurry so much, just relax and enjoy the interaction.

10. Never AFK in Public! If you find that you need to step away from your keyboard for an extended period of time, go inside a building and do so.  If you are caught playing statue in public, you will be given a five minute warning, and then you will be teleported off sim. 

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