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Greetings Traveler,
This is the first of two reports that this unworthy one has spent a great deal of time and energy preparing for you. Within it you will find an overview of the common knowledge of the Caravanserai of Teehra and that of its inhabitants.
This report describes the governance of the Caravanserai and all manner of important information can be found within. It should be noted that the most important bit of information is this:
The Pasha, in his infinite wisdom has decreed that there is no need for moderation of the pilgrims, travelers, tradesmen, tribesmen, both nomadic and settled who have made their way here. This may be a surprise for some, who may be used to a stricter form of governance, and words of wisdom from notable advisors to guide their way.
I shall not presume to remind you of this, for the Pasha believes that those who are enlightened with what should be common knowledge, will have no need of anyone to step in and make decisions for them.
It is my sincere hope that you find within all that you desire to know, for whatever reason you may wish it.
Your Most Humble Servant,
Hassan the Jaded
Rules and Expectations: Text
You are highly encouraged to read the following articles which clearly define the rules and expectations of the Caravanserai of Teehra.
Ignorance is never an excuse. It is however, poor etiquette.

Rules and Expectations: News
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