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This is an adult  Gorean roleplay sim and you must be at least 18 years of age and look as such.  

No child avatars are permitted for any reason and you will be made to leave. Be sure to look like an adult, not a tween or a teen.  

All players must dress appropriately for Gor and have realistic appearance.

Be prepared to accept the RP which follows, even if the outcome is not what was intended. 


Visitors are encouraged to start roleplaying immediately.

In order to travel to the Caravansarai of Teehra, you would have arrived by one of numerous trade caravans. 


If you do not feel comfortable roleplaying you are welcome to come in meterless or marked OOC. We will not interact with you openly but will answer questions if posed in IM. Likewise, we ask that you do not openly interact with us.


Although belligerent behavior in character is acceptable within reason, OOC abuse and harassment will not be tolerated whether in local chat or IM and it will get you banned and reported to Linden Labs.  

This is not the place for negative thought emotes for those things you wouldn't say aloud nor is this the place to stage scenes revolving around real-life animosity toward someone. Offenders will be banned at Owner's discretion.


Keep your roleplay Gorean and as close to BTB as possible. If it did not happen in the books it should not happen here.  


Be prepared with btb quotes to back up questionable roleplay.  The context of the quotes will be taken into account. 

Example: "Ointment of the Priest Kings"  does not magically heal a severed limb, but can heal cuts.  This is from the context of the story in which the Ointment appears.  Nobody outside of a nest should be able to have this item on them, but if you do, be prepared to defend how you aquired it. It is doubtful you were able to waltz into a nest and leave with this prize.


We like to encourage complex character development and unique individuals.  However, know your role and play accordingly or be prepared to accept IC consequences.  You are responsible for your own actions and conduct.


Open chat is not the place for exchanges which are not IC.  Use of OOC conversation is restricted to moderation during conflict, sim maintenance and OOC special events only.


If you need to go AFK, remove your avatar from "public areas" and set your meter to AFK.  It can be frustrating to residents and visitors alike to approach someone for the purpose of roleplay only to find that there's "nobody home".


Any violation of Linden Lab's terms of service is a bannable offense.  

©2021 by Caravanserai of Teehra. Proudly created with

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