"There is a difference," laughed Hassan, "between the pride of a free woman and the pride of the slave girl. The pride of a free woman is the pride of a woman who feels herself to be the equal of a man. The pride of the slave girl is the pride of the girl who knows that no other woman is the equal of herself." ~ Tribesmen of Gor
Runaway or Unowned Slaves - A slave that is a runway of another City or Gorean Master, or, one it is determined is unowned will be detained here as customary within the SL Community and can be retrieved within five days. Once they have remained in the city for five days, they will automatically become a slave of the Caravanserai.
NOTE: We are not obligated to send a messenger for someone to retrieve that slave.
Abandoned property - A slave that has been presentas is normal for them and has not seen or been contacted by their owner for more than 14 days is considered abandoned and becomes the property of the Caravanserai.
Unowned Slaves - Unowned slaves arriving by caravan who wish to roleplay here will be considered property of the Caravanserai. You will reside in the seraglio, and you will be "sold" to a free or business when an agreement between the two of you is reached. This allows unowned slaves a place to stay, serve and a reasonable way to roleplay here.
Slave Rights
As a slave you are bound by a set of rules unique to your character. The author of the Gorean Chronicles has set in place distinct boundaries regarding what you can and cannot do, as well as how you are to interact with others. Know your character and their place in society.
In the eyes of Goreans, and Gorean law, the slave is an animal. She is not a person, but an animal. She has no name, saving what her master might choose to call her. She is without caste. She is without citizenship. She is simply an object, to be bartered, or bought or sold. She is simply an article of property, completely, nothing more.
~Hunters of Gor
The slave is not a person before Gorean law but a rightless animal. ~Slave Girl of Gor
Yes, my dear, you are legally an animal. In the eyes of Gorean law you are an animal. You have no name in your own right. You may be collared and leashed. You may be bought and sold, whipped, treated as the master pleases, disposed of as he sees fit. You have no rights whatsoever. Legally you have no more status than a tarsk or vulo. Legally, literally, you are an animal. ~Explorers of Gor
The case with slaves, of course, is much different from that of free women, either those of Gor or Earth. Their names are simply given to them, as the names of animals. They may be altered or changed at will. Indeed, sometimes a slave is not even given a name. The names a slave wears, of course, are functions of the master's pleasure. They can own a name no more than they can own anything else. It is they who are owned. Some masters have favorite names for girls. Some masters may reward a hard-working girl with a lovely name; others may torment a slave who has been insufficiently pleasing with a cruel or ugly name. Most girls, of course, are given beautiful and exciting slave names, for the masters wish the girl, too, to be beautiful and exciting. Needless to say, a slave girl, as she changes collars, may change names. Most girls, in passing from the hands of one master into those of another, will have had various names. ~Explorers of Gor
Love on Gor does not purchase a girl lenience; it does not mitigate her bondage, nor compromise her servitude, but rather renders it the more complete, the more helpless and abject. ~Tribesmen of Gor
Appropriate dress -
Slaves must dress according to the ways of the Tahari. Visiting slaves are strongly encouraged to adopt similar dress
You are discouraged from roaming in the open completely naked and without shoes. It is HOT in the Tahari and the sun is merciless, it is very unlikely that you will be unscathed if you should roam around for any period of time undressed.
You are encouraged to dress in a haik, as is considered appropriate btb as described by Norman in Tribesman, when outside of the confines of the buildings.
Examples of appropriate dress in the Tahari:
Haik - Same as that worn for a Free Woman, however slaves are naked beneath except for their collar and brand.
"Stand here," I told Miss Blake-Allen, indicating a place in the center of the floor, before the desk of the slave master. She stood where I had indicated. "Remove your slippers," I told her. She slipped from the slippers, black with silver thread. She was now barefoot. The slave master came around to the front of his desk. He leaned back against it, sitting on its edge. "Remove the haik," I told the girl. She removed the garment. She stood between us, nude. ~Tribesmen of Gor
Following him was a woman, in a black haik. Suddenly I was startled. As she passed me, her stride small and measured, I heard the clink of a light chain, the sound of ankle bells. She was a slave beneath the haik, I supposed her collared, naked. ~ Tribesman of Gor
She wore a long, bordered skirt, with scarlet thread at its hem, which swirled as she turned; she wore a jacket, tan, of soft kaiila-hair cloth, taken from the animal's second coat, which had a hood, which she had thrown back; beneath the jacket she wore a cheap, printed blouse of rep-cloth, blue and yellow, which well clung to her.~ Tribesmen of Gor
Slippers - Same as that worn for a Free Woman, potentially less ornate.
Chalwars - Diaphanous trousers gathered at the ankles worn with a sash and a silk vest showing a bare midriff. Slave veil may also be worn.
From one side a slave girl, barefoot, bangled, in sashed, diaphanous, trousered chalwar, gathered at the ankles, in tight, red-silk vest, with bare midriff, fled to him, with the tall, graceful, silvered pot-containing the black wine. She was veiled. She knelt, replenishing the drink. Beneath her veil I saw the metal of her collar.~ Tribesmen of Gor
...she wore the sashed chalwar, a sashed, diaphanous trousered garment, full but gathered in, closely, at the ankles... ~ Tribesman of Gor
Slave Djellaba - loose fitting robe, made of repcloth, cut high on the thighs and used for sleeping.
At a watering hole, from a nomad, I purchased Alyena a brief second-hand, black-and-white-striped, rep-cloth slave djellaba. It came high on her thighs. This was that she would have something in which to sleep.~ Tribesmen of Gor
Slave Veils - single veil, diaphanous material. A provocative display to Free Men.
The slave veil is a mockery, in its way. It reveals, as much as conceals, yet it adds a touch of subtlety, mystery; slave veils are made to be torn away, the lips of the master then crushing those of the slave. ~Tribesman of Gor
Walking Chain - used to train slaves to walk with a measured gait
The use of a light walking chain, tethering the ankles, meant to be worn abroad, accompanying the master, incidentally, is not uncommon in the regions of the Tahari. A beautifully measured gait is thought, in the Tahari, to be attractive in a woman.~Tribesman of Gor
"I see, pretty Alyena," I said, "you now wear earrings."
They were golden loops, large, barbaric. They fell beside her neck.~Tribesman of Gor
Bangles - bracelets.
"More, Masters?" asked the girl, kneeling beside the low, tem-wood-inlaid table. She wore a high, red-silk vest, swelling, fastened with a single hook; diaphanous red-silk chalwar, low on her hips, gathered at the ankles; two golden bangles on her left ankle; collar.~Tribesman of Gor
Dancing Chains
"What shall I do, Master?" she begged. She wore a golden metal dancing collar about her throat, golden chains looped from her wrists, gracefully to the collar ring, then fell to her ankles; there are varieties of Tahari dancing chains;she wore the oval and collar; briefly, in readying a girl, after she has been belled and silked, and bangled, and has been made up, and touched with slave perfume, she kneels, head down in a large oval of light gleaming chain, extending her wrists before her; fastened at the sides of the top of the oval are two wrist rings, at the sides of the lower loop of the oval two ankle rings; the oval is then pulled inward and the wrist and ankle rings fastened on the slave; her throat is then locked in the dancing collar, which has, under the chin, an open snap ring: with the left hand the oval is then gathered together, so the two strands of chain lie in the palm of the left hand, whence, lifted, they are placed inside the snap ring, which is then snapped shut, and locked; the two strands of chain flow freely in the snap ring; accordingly, though the girl's wrists and ankles are fastened at generous, though inflexible limits from one another, usually about a yard for the wrists and about eighteen inches for the ankles, much of the chain may be played through, and back through, the collar ring; this permits a skillful girl a great deal of beautiful chain work: the oval and collar is traditional in the Tahari; it enhances a girl's beauty; it interferes little with her dance, though it imposes subtle, sensuous limits upon it; a good dancer uses these limits, exploiting them deliciously; for example, she may extend a wrist, subtly holding the chain at her waist with her other hand; the chain slides through the ring, yet short of the expected movement; the chain stops her wrist; her wrist rebels, but is helpless; it must yield; her head falls; she is a chained slave girl. ~Tribesman of Gor
Kneeling - Slaves should not kneel when outside of buildings in the sand. The sand is HOT and you can be injured! However slaves must kneel in the presence of the free inside of buildings and if commanded to.
-Slaves will tower in the presence of Free Women even if a Free Man is present unless the slave is ordered to do otherwise.
"The sand, struck by the sun, can reach temperatures on its surface of more than 175 degrees Fahrenheit.....Only a foot or two below the surface, these temperatures are reduced by more than fifty degrees....The air temperature is seldom more than 140 degrees in the shade, even in the dune country." (Tribesmen of Gor)
"Incidentally," I said, "when you kneel before the free woman, in your carefully prepared modest garb, fit for a lowly slave, as you must soon do, to convey to her the message which will be inserted in the message tube about your neck, be certain to kneel with your knees closely together."
"Certainly, Master," she said. "She is a female, not a male."
"But even more importantly," I said, "insofar as you can, before her, and before any other free woman who might be in attendance upon her, conceal your sexuality. Do not let them suspect it. Let them think that you are as inert and meaningless as they are." (Magicians of Gor)
"She kept her knees tightly together before the free woman. Had she knelt before a man she would probably have had to keep them open, even if they were brutally kicked apart, a lesson to her, to be more sensitive as to before whom she knelt.” (Witness of Gor)
Duties - A good deal of the training of the slave girl, surprisingly, to my naive mind, was in relatively domestic matters. For example, the Pleasure Slave, if she is trained by a good house, must also be the master of those duties commonly assigned to Tower Slaves. Accordingly, they must know how to cut and sew cloth, to wash garments and clean various types of materials and surfaces, and to cook an extensive variety of foods, from the rough fare of Warriors to concoctions which are exotic almost to the point of being inedible. ~Assassin of Gor
"What is the duty of a slave girl," I inquired.
"Absolute obedience," she said, frightened.
"What are you?" I inquired.
"A slave girl," she said.
"What is your duty?" I asked.
"Absolute obedience," she cried out.
Hunters of Gor Book 8 Page 258
Obedience - A slave entering this sim should be aware they are expected to obey all free within the boundaries of their owners restrictions and can be punished by any free. If this is unacceptable to you or your owner you are not forced to remain here.
Discipline - “The discipline of a slave,” I said, “may be attended to by any free person, otherwise she might do much what she wished, provided only her master did not learn of it.” The legal principle was clear, and had been upheld in several courts, in several cities, including Ar." (Magicians of Gor)
Note: Only a dishonorable man would make use of another's property without permission. Slaves that are assumed to be available sexually are cafe (tavern) (NOT inn) slaves and coin girls.
Anything else you should assume is someone's property. Owners should keep slaves not available for general usage but who are serving in a cafe or bath house belted.
"Please, Master," she said, "take pity on me. Take pity on the miserable needs of a girl."
"You are not mine," I told her. "You are a pretty little thing, but I do not own you."
"Please," she said.
"Your master," I said, "if he chooses, will satisfy your needs. If he does not, he will not."
For all I knew she might be under the discipline of deprivation. If that were so, I had no wish to impair the effectiveness of her master's control over her. Besides I did not know him. I did not wish to do him dishonor, whoever he might be." (Beasts of Gor)
"What if she were seized by one not her master?"
"The same," said he. "No more than a verr or tarsk. But in such a case the master might object, and take action, perhaps charging a coin for the girl's use, or perhaps killing the thief."
"The thief?"
"Surely, has he not availed himself of another's property without authorization, has he not stolen a use?" (Kur of Gor)
Rape - There is much controversy surrounding the word "rape". Gorean rape is the use of a slave. It is not the equivalent of earth rape, try not to confuse the two.
"With respect to the more general sense of 'slave rape,'" he said, "putting aside the legalities, and such, the expression, I think, is intended to suggest the rightlessness of the slave, and her subjectability to the least whim of the master." (Kur of Gor)
"There is a broad sense of the term 'slave rape', of course," said Cabot, "in which all usages of a slave, all uses of her, are in a sense slave rape, as her usages are not at her will but solely at the will of the master." (Kur of Gor)
"Whereas one speaks commonly of "slave rape," that usually means little more than using them as one wishes, unilaterally, peremptorily, forcibly, and such. Technically, it is not clear that one can rape a slave, any more than one could rape a verr or tarsk. In a legal sense, a slave cannot be raped, no more than any other domestic animal." (Mariners of Gor)