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  1. Honor the concept of the Home Stone

    As a good role player your character does not belong to more then one Home Stone. Just don’t join every cool City you find. Choose one and stick to it as long as possible. Don’t take a change to light hearted. That doesn’t mean you cant change. Simply have a plausible story for the change and dont become a Home Stone hopper. This also includes to treat the woman of your Home Stone with honor and respect, because they are part of your Home Stone.

  2. Respect the SIM Rules
    Read them before you enter the SIM, if you don’t agree with them: leave! It's as simple as that.

  3. Be respectful of each other, and honor the limits of your fellow roleplayer--within reason.  For example, an unreasonable limit given the theme of of the Caravanserai is no punishment. Don't be that person, if you wish to be that person, there are plenty of other locations you are welcome to call home.  This is not it. 

  4. You have the option of fading to black for any scene that you are not comfortable participating in. This does not mean that the scene did not take place, it means you do not roleplay it out. The story picks up "after the fact" and continues from there.  Teleporting out of uncomfortable situations may find you temporarily or permanently banned.

  5. Accept consequences of your characters actions.  You have chosen the role so play it out and don’t be childish about it. Accept that if you roleplay an action there may be consequences for it, roleplay it out you asked for it.

  6. Absolutely NO DRAMATICS--the sim owner has a very dim view of those who are unable to separate IC actions from OOC actions and will happily revoke your ability to roleplay here if your inability to roleplay appropriately becomes a drama filled clusterfuck.  You have been warned.

  7. Play your role where its existence is plausible.  Norman wrote the different stories to take place in different locations with their own (Earthean based) cultures and environments. If you mix them to much, its becomes all just ridiculous. Don’t play a Panther Girl on the Islands, a Tribesman in Ar, an Assassin in the Jungles, a Pirate in the Tahari or a travelling Kajira: it is just outright stupid and griefs other players.

  8. We are all adults, it is mandatory that if there is a disagreement between two parties that they handle it.  If this is an IC problem, handle it IC. If it is an OOC problem handle it OOC.  If you are unable to handle it IC, you may find yourself relegated to the mercy of the Sim Owner if you call for a mod. REMEMBER: We are a no Moderation sim.  If it is OOC and it cannot be handled as adults, you are counseled to mute each other, problem resolved. If you are unable to mute each other and it becomes a clusterfuck--refer to the "No Dramatics" rule above.

  9. The use of the ZCS Meter is OPTIONAL.  However, do not engage in roleplay that would lead to a hostile interaction if you are -not- wearing a meter. That is poor sportsmanship, and it is not tolerated. Should you be unmetered and choose to engage in a roleplay that would lead to a hostile interaction that would normally require the meter, you have options: luck of the dice or pause the roleplay to put on a meter and then continue. What you do not have the option to do is walk away from your interaction without following it through.


The NAUGHTY LIST - aka Don't be that guy/girl


Pretending to be a statue in public - this will get you ejected from the sim.  If you must leave for an extended period of time, place yourself inside a building, preferably one you are renting and not a public use building,  and mark yourself "away". 


No child or child like avatars. If you have to ask the question, the answer is probably yes, you look like a child, go change and come back. 


Behavior that is not in keeping with the theme of the sim-especially OOC conversations, or harassing behavior--especially an insistence on sharing of personal and/or RL information, badgering in IM's, refusal to serve as a slave. This may result in your being warned, then temporarily or permanently banned. 


Thank you Sheraka the Scribe and her Ten Commandments of Gor in Second Life.  

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