8/28 10:17] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): * The celebrant stands in front of the Temple door, facing the golden circle above the altar inside. He raises his arms and makes the gesture of the Eternal Circle, then chants: *
[2021/08/28 10:18] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "Praise be to you Priest-Kings, holy and mighty, Who have made the whole universe your Temple, and hallowed the entire circle of Gor as your dwelling place."
[2021/08/28 10:18] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "I come before you this day, purified in living water according to the sacred rites. As your anointed one, I call upon you to be present here as we consecrate this Temple to your glory and to the benefit of Your faithful people of Teehra. Grant that this sacrifice I offer may be pleasing to you, and send us good omens."
[2021/08/28 10:19] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "Holy Priest-Kings, we pray you to set your Eternal Circle of protection now around this, your Temple, that nothing unworthy of you may enter herein, neither any violence or weapon, nor any unclean or profane thing. May all within its walls be done in good order, with reverence, according to your commands and to your honor."
[2021/08/28 10:20] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "Good people, please follow me to the Pillar of Sacrifice.
[2021/08/28 10:21] Kitten Serpente: * The Initiate steps over to :the Pillar of Sacrifice where the bosk is tethered and the Facilitator and the Assistant are waiting. He raises his arms in the gesture of the Eternal Circle, calling on Priest-Kings to witness the offering, then signs the sacrificial bosk with the symbol of the Eternal Circle, and says: *
[2021/08/28 10:22] Kitten Serpente: "In supplication, I, your anointed one, now offer this sacred white bosk, bred in the Temple's own herd and raised in the Temple's own pastures, a bosk without fault or blemish, perfect as you, Priest-Kings, are perfect, to be a spotless sacrifice to you. Send your favor upon this city of Teehra, I entreat you, and send us good omens for this day.. Likewise, I pray you, hallow the blood of this bosk, that by it, through your power, this Temple may be purified and dedicated forever to your service."
"Hear me, Priest-Kings!"
8/28 10:23] Kitten Serpente: *The Initiate steps up onto the platform of the Pillar of Sacrifice. He removes the wreath from around the bosk's neck and sets it aside, then draws a small knife from his pouch. With the blade, he cuts a strand of hair from the bosk's coat and casts it into the the brazier where the sacred fire flickers. He steps back down off the platform, so no blood from the death of the bosk will fall upon him.

[2021/08/28 10:24] Kitten Serpente: *At the gesture from the celebrant, the Facilitator takes the sacred blade and cuts the throat of the bosk, allowing its blood to fall into a vessel, which he then hands to the Assistant. He cuts out the dead bosk's liver, places it within the divination bowl, and slices it open, then steps back to present the liver to the Initiate for his inspection.*
[2021/08/28 10:28] Kitten Serpente: The Initiate steps up to the platform and studies the organ in the divination bowl for a long, careful moment. At last he straightens, and, raising his hands, he turns to the people and says: "The omens are favorable. The sacrifice has been accepted in your name by Priest-Kings, and the Holy Ones approve of what shall be done this day. The blessing of Priest-Kings rests upon the City of Teehra, her people, and upon Philippe, who shall today be installed as the city's Pasha. Since the omens were favorable, the meat of the bosk offered here will be given as a gift to the City for all to share in joyful feasting."
[2021/08/28 10:29] Kitten Serpente: The Initiate gestures to the Facilitator, who takes the bloody liver which has given evidence of the favor of Priest-Kings. The Facilitator sets the liver in the bowl where the flame burns, and the organ is consumed, an offering to Priest-Kings. As the liver is consumed, the Initiate chants, "As this offering now burns upon the Pillar of Sacrifice, so may our hearts burn from this day forward with complete devotion toward you, Holy Ones, cleansed of all fault."
[2021/08/28 10:30] Kitten Serpente: The Initiate steps away from the Pillar of Sacrifice and walks to the door of the new temple. The assistant takes the bowl of blood from the sacrifice, picks up his ceremonial whisk, and follows the Initiate. The Facilitator remains near the Pillar of Sacrifice to deal with the dead bosk.
[2021/08/28 10:31] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): "Salaam lady and welcome"
[2021/08/28 10:31] Nia Luna (nialuna): Saalam Sir..thank you
[2021/08/28 10:32] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): The Initiate and the assistant walk to the wall where they face toward the East. The assistant dips the whisk into the bowl of bosk blood, sprinkles the wall of the Temple, facing toward the East, and the Initiate chants: *
[2021/08/28 10:32] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): "the temple consecration is still under way" he says pointing at the small temple behind her
[2021/08/28 10:32] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "At the EAST, whence rises the burning brightness of the Central Fire at dawning, I, their anointed one, pray the Priest-Kings to set their radiant splendor ever before us to illuminate our path, that we may walk without stumbling in the way that they have prepared for us to go."
[2021/08/28 10:33] Nia Luna (nialuna): thank you ..then i go look..she come there where she see voices
[2021/08/28 10:33] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): *The Initiate and the assistant then proceed to the North wall of the Temple.
[2021/08/28 10:33] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): smiles
[2021/08/28 10:34] Nia Luna (nialuna): she stand and look around...
[2021/08/28 10:34] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): The assistant dips the whisk again into the vessel of bosk blood, sprinkles the wall of the Temple with it, and the Initiate chants: *
[2021/08/28 10:34] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me calms down and he steps over to the temple and peers into it as the Initiate continues his ritual, having been absent for the consecration of the Scimitars temple, not having arrived in the Tahari yet.
[2021/08/28 10:34] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "At the NORTH, whence come the freezing cold and fierce storms of winter, I pray the Priest-Kings to set the shield of their invincible protection between their faithful servants, and particularly those who will serve them here in this Temple, and any danger or tribulation. At all times may we rest secure within the shelter of their sure defense. Spare us, oh holy Priest-Kings, I pray you, and preserve us in safety"
[2021/08/28 10:35] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): *The Initiate and his assistant then proceed counterclockwise to the West wall of the Temple.
[2021/08/28 10:36] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): The assistant dips the whisk again into the vessel of bosk blood, sprinkles the wall of the Temple with it, and the Initiate chants.*
[2021/08/28 10:36] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "At the WEST, whence the Central Fire sinks down again into Thassa at evening, we pray Priest-kings to be with us in our end as at our beginning, to guard and guide us in all things, keeping us perfectly within the boundaries of their Will and commandments. May holy Priest-Kings give us the intention and the strength to be ever obedient to the codes of our various Castes. May those of your White Caste faithfully obey the laws of our Order, that all who honor you with ceremonies within these walls, and everywhere, may serve Priest-Kings in unsullied purity, with unfeigned devotion."
[2021/08/28 10:37] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): *The Initiate and his assistant then proceed counterclockwise to the South wall of the Temple.
[2021/08/28 10:37] Kitten Serpente: The assistant dips the whisk again into the vessel of bosk blood, sprinkles the wall of the Temple with it, and the celebrant chants:
[2021/08/28 10:38] Kitten Serpente: "At the SOUTH, whence comes the gentle breath of summer dawning, we pray Priest-Kings to make us ever mindful of the warmth of their mercy, and grateful for all the good gifts which they have given us. May their praise be ever on our lips and in our hearts, and may all that we do within these walls be done in thanksgiving, to their glory." *
[2021/08/28 10:38] Kitten Serpente: *The Initiate and his assistant return to the door of the Temple.
[2021/08/28 10:39] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): The Initiate makes the sign of the Eternal Circle before the doors, facing the golden circle above the altar, and chants*
[2021/08/28 10:40] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): *The Initiate enters the doors to the Temple and moves toward the altar. The Initiate pauses at the table with the containers of chrism oil, box of incense, offering bowl, and thurible are set. He makes the sign of the Eternal Circle and chants:*
[2021/08/28 10:41] Kitten Serpente: "Sanctify this chrism oil, Priest-Kings, I pray you, that all who are marked with it may enter into the doors of this, your Temple, cleansed of all impurity and dedicated wholly to your service. Sanctify this precious incense that it, like your anointed ones, may burn before your altar with the pure flame of perfect service. Send your blessing upon all things here that they may be set apart to your use only and kept without any contamination of the outer world."
[2021/08/28 10:42] Kitten Serpente: *The procession moves toward the altar. The Initiate lights the candles and the brazier for incense on the altar and when it is burning, raises his arms to the golden Circle over the altar and chants: *
[2021/08/28 10:43] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "Sanctify this altar, O Priest-Kings, I pray, and make it holy, set apart for your worship. Grant that it may never be defiled by any act of impious men, nor failing of those who stand before you here within the Railing. Sanctify those of the White Caste who shall offer prayers and sacrifices to you at this altar and make them pure before you, so that they may show forth your Will in all their words and all their ways, to the praise and glory of your sacred Name."
[2021/08/28 10:43] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "Priest-Kings, holy and mighty, grant, we pray you, that from this altar, now consecrated and dedicated to your worship, our appointed prayers may rise to you like this incense and be as a sweet savor to you. From your sacred Sardar Mountains send down to those Initiates sealed to you by their vows, who shall serve you here at this altar, the knowledge of your Will that we may rightly proclaim what you command, and bring all of Gor, through your power, into perfect obedience to you."
[2021/08/28 10:43] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me steps back for a moment to let the Teehra citizens come into the Temple first. "Come into the temple."
[2021/08/28 10:44] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me moves inside the small temple.He knows his intended is not the most pious woman, but he still hopes she'll join him. "Ta Sardar Gor!" he repeats after the initiate
[2021/08/28 10:44] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): Each of those present will repeat:
[2021/08/28 10:44] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me calls out in rote "Ta Sardar Gor!"
[2021/08/28 10:44] Storm (tradino): echoes. "Ta Sardar Gor!"
[2021/08/28 10:44] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): hears the final greetings and knows the ceremony is over
[2021/08/28 10:45] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "It is done, annd the temple is now consecrated, setapart for Priest-Kings."
[2021/08/28 10:46] Joshao ibn Aurum al Samini (karaden.finesmith): /me strides into the area, having finally gotten the kaiilas unloaded. he waves cheerily to the crowd.
[2021/08/28 10:47] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "All Free People may enter as faras the railing. Slaves may not enter at all on pain of death. Please make that cllear to the beasts of the city, so that none shall suffer out of ignorance."
[2021/08/28 10:47] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): clear
[2021/08/28 10:48] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me smiles at the Blessed One. "A fine and moving ceremony, Blessed Tariq. I am sure that the Priest-Kings will shower their blessing upon the Caravanserai of Teehra"
