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The Caravanserai Changes Caretakers and Becomes a City

Writer's picture: Maison deladouleruMaison deladouleru

8/28 12:06] Sheikh Anvar Jaziran (anvarra.alecto): Stepping forward he clears his throat and calls"Has the New Pasha and his consort arrived ready to assume his station? if so come and approach the chair and be recognized"

[2021/08/28 12:08] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): Now comes al-Teehra, Pasha Phillipe de Beaumont to claim from your hands that which through the glory of Pasha Sulieman of Nine-Wells, and with the blessing of the Priest Kings, is rightfully theirs. This he claims by right, and by the honor of our beloved Pasha, whose token he bears, which he now renders up unto your keeping as his pledge of loyalty to the peoples of the Caravanserai of Teehra.

[2021/08/28 12:09] Gibran (thurmondharou): /me lowers himself to his knees and holds the sword high, raising tit for the man to take, eyes locked to the ground

[2021/08/28 12:10] Sheikh Anvar Jaziran (anvarra.alecto): Nodding he stands taller and reaching to take the sword in hand lifts it up and slightly turns offering it towards Phillipe" come forward "

[2021/08/28 12:11] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): Tariq steps forward and presents a challenge to the populace: "Are there any here who would Challenge the will of the Priest-King’s, that Philippe Al-Ahdar Ibn Zahir be the true and rightful caretaker of the Caravanserai of Teehra? Let him step forward and voice his concerns, or else forever remain silent.

[2021/08/28 12:14] Joshao ibn Aurum al Samini (karaden.finesmith): /me having no objections at all, shakes his head firmly

[2021/08/28 12:14] Storm (tradino): smiles from one the other, of course staying silent.

[2021/08/28 12:15] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): The Initiate lifts his hands:

[2021/08/28 12:15] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "Hear me, O Priest-Kings, holy and mighty!"

[2021/08/28 12:15] Cora (corinne.elan): walks behind Philippe and stops some steps behind him

[2021/08/28 12:16] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me watches with interest.

[2021/08/28 12:16] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "We thank you that you have set this refuge for the people of Teehra in the midst of the barren sands of the Tahari, a refuge of sweet, pure, and abundant water; water which is life. To this refuge have been drawn valiant men of honor and skill, noble and modest Free Women, and obedient and industrious slaves. Grant that, as it has begun, this City may go forward secure in the favor of the Holy Ones, and obedient to their commands, and dwell within the sure protection of your golden Circle."

[2021/08/28 12:16] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): *The Initiate casts a handful of fragrant incense into the brazier burning before him and chants in a ringing voice:

[2021/08/28 12:17] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "Holy Priest-Kings, strengthen the city's Warriors when they shall swear to the City, that, by their skill and courage, the people may live in security, fearing no foreign enemy or domestic foe. Grant that they may be stalwart and courageous in war, and keep their honor unsullied by any blot, Fill those of every caste, both high and low, who work in the crafts and arts of peace also with the brilliance of your light, that, through it, the name of Teehra may shine, admired before all of Gor."

[2021/08/28 12:17] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "Turn the hearts of the masters to their slaves, and the hearts of the slaves to their masters, that the beautiful kajiri of Teehra may serve in loving and perfect obedience, under the beneficent rule of those who own them."

[2021/08/28 12:18] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): The Initiate picks up the bowl of sacred chrism and turns toward Philippe.

[2021/08/28 12:18] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me takes a step forward.

[2021/08/28 12:19] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): The Initiate traces a circle on the Pasha's forehead with chrism oil and says: "Priest-Kings, holy and mighty, sanctify the mind and will of this man as Pasha of the city of Teehra and send him your favor."

[2021/08/28 12:19] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): The Initiate traces another circle with chrism on each of the Pasha's palms and says, "Priest-Kings, holy and mighty, sanctify the body of this man as Pasha of the City of Teehra, and send him your favor."

[2021/08/28 12:19] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me slightly lowers his head as the initiate draws the circle on his forehead. He seems calm on the outside, but on the inside this is a very emotional moment for him.

[2021/08/28 12:20] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): sets aside the chrism bowl when he has traced the circles.

[2021/08/28 12:20] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "Holy Ones, who hold all of Gor within your golden Circle, grant to Philippe, Pasha of Teehra, the wisdom and strength to rule all those under his authority with true Justice, and act always with Honor. Sustain him in his office under your protection, and keep him always safe within the security of your sacred Circle. Hear me, Priest-Kings!"

[2021/08/28 12:21] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): He turns to the audience and declares: "People of Teehra, behold your rightful Pasha, anointed in the name of, and by the power of, holy Priest-Kings! Hurrah! Hail Teehra! Ta Sardar Gor!"

[2021/08/28 12:21] Gibran (thurmondharou): /me smiles, hearing it pronounced

[2021/08/28 12:21] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): After a moment Initiate Tariq withdraws to stand beside the brazier

[2021/08/28 12:22] Joshao ibn Aurum al Samini (karaden.finesmith): Ta Sardar Gor! Hail Teehra! Hail Philippe and Cora!

[2021/08/28 12:22] Joshao ibn Aurum al Samini (karaden.finesmith): /me thumps his shoulder happily

[2021/08/28 12:22] Zahra (maeverite): /me smiles wide

[2021/08/28 12:22] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): "Ta Sardar Gor!"

[2021/08/28 12:22] Daros (aalt4): /me echoes as well. "Ta Sardar Gor!"

[2021/08/28 12:22] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me straightens his head and looks to Anvar, who will proceed with the ceremony

[2021/08/28 12:22] Tamirah bint Salah (dubhessa): "Ta Sardar Gor! Hail Teehra!" shouts caught up in the excitment

[2021/08/28 12:22] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me smiles wide and thumsp his shoulder.

[2021/08/28 12:22] Caprius (caprius1972): "Ta Sardar Gor!"

[2021/08/28 12:22] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): * thumps

[2021/08/28 12:22] Storm (tradino): applauds wholeheartedly. " Ta Sardar Gor!, Hail Teehra!"

[2021/08/28 12:23] Sheikh Anvar Jaziran (anvarra.alecto): Turning he looks at the gathered and then at Phillipe"By traditions and law, having been appointed by Pasha Sulieman, and having earned the favor of the tribesmen who wander the desert, and the blessing of Mother Tahari, what you seek shall rightfully be yours. Approach, be seen by all eyes. Let your hands and lips know the waters of Teehra, and allow the waters of the cistern be drunk and tasted by your lips and tongue. Allow all before you assembled here, these our good peoples, know your words and swear to protect the walls, the wells, the lives of this oasis and be called High Pasha of Teehra leader of these good many whom shall trust and look upon you now with the grace of Mother Tahari and the will of the Tribe, as the one and true rightful lance and leader of the Oasis. Let none defy the will of the High Pasha let all heed the laws of Teehra"

[2021/08/28 12:23] Joshao ibn Aurum al Samini (karaden.finesmith): /me grins, watching his son. He had seen the boy born, had held his small hands for the lad's first steps. Now he was invoking the Priest-Kings, a strong and powerful Initiate. Joshao feels a moment of fatherly pride.

[2021/08/28 12:23] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): In a loud voice "Let those present bear witness."

[2021/08/28 12:24] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me raises his left hand and with a solemn voice he says: "Here do I swear by mouth and hand, to serve and to protect the Caravanserai of Teehra, the walls, the wells, the lives of this oasis and to uphold the traditions of this land, and to confirm all the ancient privileges granted to me, to serve its people always. Faith and truth will I bear in all matters concerning the lands of Teehra, until Fate Calls me to the City of dust, or the world ends. So say I."

[2021/08/28 12:24] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): This I have witnessed, and I have heard. May the blessings of the Priest King’s be upon you.

[2021/08/28 12:25] Sheikh Anvar Jaziran (anvarra.alecto): This I have witnessed, and I have heard. May you ever remember what you have sworn this day.

[2021/08/28 12:25] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): Tariq: People of the Al-Teehra, Behold your Rightful Pasha Phillippe Al-Ahdar ibn Zahir,Triumphant, Right Flank of the Thousand, Protector of the Caravanserai Gates, Caretaker of the Heart of the Land of Salt and Sand and Right hand of Teehra long may he live!

[2021/08/28 12:27] Chocolate Halcali: /me pats her shoulder

[2021/08/28 12:27] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me takes the staff and moves in front of the throne. He turns around to preset himself to the people, before he takes his seat on the throne.

[2021/08/28 12:29] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): He has a serious look on his face, but one can see that he is in the best mood. He slightly lifts his hand. "People of Teehra, friends and allies! A Pasha can rule by himself. But to make him a leader who can make wise decisions for his people, he needs men at his side, wise men he can trust and he knows well. I have met several such men in the time that I spent in Teehra from the day I arrived. Over the next few days I will gather a city council around me and I will announce their names when it is complete. One name though I will announce today: Amir as-Sharif Ibn Khaldun, step forward!"

[2021/08/28 12:29] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): leaves his position near the gate and walks forward towards Philippe, a brief nods of his head and a little smile as he walks by Cora and comes to stand in front of Philippe

[2021/08/28 12:30] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me smiles up at Philippe.

[2021/08/28 12:30] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me ...and Amir.

[2021/08/28 12:30] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me sits up. "Amir, I have come to know you as a loyal man, loyal against me and Teehra. You are wise and you have shown your expertise as an ambassador on several occasions. Therefore, from this day on, you will be my Vizier."

[2021/08/28 12:31] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): Bows deeply, clearly pleased and excited at the same time "My noble Pasha" he says "It is a great honour and a great responsibility to you and this fine city. I will do my best to be at your side and to help you protect and honour our home stone" he says then bows again and moves to a side

[2021/08/28 12:31] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me nods in approval of Amir's appointment, saying nothing, just nodding his head

[2021/08/28 12:31] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me nods contently. After a moment of silence, he speaks again: "There is one other name I wish to speak out loud today, so the whole Tahari will know it: Cora, of Ar, step forward!"

[2021/08/28 12:32] Cora (corinne.elan): Cora who has been standing in front of the throne, her back straight, her head high, her eyes straight ahead on Philippe's face now moves some steps forward closer to the throne

[2021/08/28 12:33] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /leans forward a bit. "Cora, ever since I met you in Venna, I knew that someday, it would be you who would sit next to me. You followed me to the Tahari, a land that was so far away from all that you knew. Today, I want everyone to hear that you are my intended. You will soon be my companion and therefore, Today I want you to sit on my side."

[2021/08/28 12:33] Cora (corinne.elan): Cora smiles as Philippe speaks and when he finishes she speaks, her tone warm, her language elegant and refined, her Arian accent quite evident "I have known you as a wise, honourable and pious man, Philippe, a skilled physician and a strong yet caring leader and I am proud that you chose me to be at your side" she then moves up the steps, slightly lifting the front of the gown just enough to be able and climb the steps without showing her ankles, then she turns and sits by him, her back straight, her hands on the arms of the chair, facing the assembly

[2021/08/28 12:34] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): Let those of the tribes, or friends and allies being representative of their cities, and embodying all that is honorable and just come forward to offer friendship.

[2021/08/28 12:34] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): strikes his shoulder in enthusiastic Gorean applause.

[2021/08/28 12:34] Tamirah bint Salah (dubhessa): /me calls out loudly " My lord Pasha, I would beg a boon of you, on this auspicious occasion. May I approach?"

[2021/08/28 12:34] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me had noticed the woman at the consecration previously, and he studies here now, hanging on Philippe's words and he smiles broadly "Hear hear! Well done Pasha!" as applause breaks out."

[2021/08/28 12:34] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me thumps his applause as well.

[2021/08/28 12:34] Daros (aalt4): /me thumps his applause.

[2021/08/28 12:35] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me nods and slightly lifts his hand, waving the woman closer. "You may approach."

[2021/08/28 12:35] Joshao ibn Aurum al Samini (karaden.finesmith): /me adds his own applause tot he tumult, thumping vigirously

[2021/08/28 12:35] Gibran (thurmondharou): /me watches his owner carefully as he heard her voice called out, curiously following her with his gaze

[2021/08/28 12:37] Tamirah bint Salah (dubhessa): /me approaches the throne, removing from my shoulder a satchel and presents it to him "My Lord Pasha, ever has it been my blessing and my burden since the fall of the Great City of Teehra, to carry upon my person, that which was given to me by my Sister, Mariah el Jabari, before she made her journey to the desert the home stone of that city. This I present to you for safekeeping."

[2021/08/28 12:38] Joshao ibn Aurum al Samini (karaden.finesmith): /me seeing the Home stone of Teehra, rises in respect, as a Gorean man of honor.

[2021/08/28 12:38] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me holds out both hands and receives the home stone to hold it in his hands for a moment. He smiles to Lady Tamirah. "Lady Tamirah, it has been many years since I first entered the city of Teehra. Much has happened since then and I wish to thank you for the struggle and pain it took to keep this home stone safe, even after the city was taken by the sands. I swear that I will honor it and keep it safe, for as long as I am Pasha of Teehra. And as such, I hereby declare that Teehra is no more just a caravanserai. As of today, Teehra will be known as a city once more, a city with its own home stone!" he nods to Amir so he can take the home stone and place it on the display.

[2021/08/28 12:38] Storm (tradino): feels goosebumps crawl up his arms, raising in respect

[2021/08/28 12:39] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me stands up in honor of the Home Stone

[2021/08/28 12:39] Daros (aalt4): /me rises as well.

[2021/08/28 12:39] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me sees the others standing, and does so as well.

[2021/08/28 12:40] Caprius (caprius1972): /me stands when all others stand

[2021/08/28 12:40] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): bows in honor to the Home Stone.

[2021/08/28 12:40] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): Walks closer and takes the home stone and puts it in its place on display then turns to Philippe "The most noble ambassador of Two Scimitars, my Pasha" he says and bows to Tryggs

[2021/08/28 12:40] Izar ibn Sua (izarsua): /me was already standing but stood tall for the homestone he swore to

[2021/08/28 12:40] Joshao ibn Aurum al Samini (karaden.finesmith): Hail the Home Stone of Teehra! may it rest in safety for a thousand years!!

[2021/08/28 12:41] Sheikh Anvar Jaziran (anvarra.alecto): Mother tahari protect these wells and walls

[2021/08/28 12:41] Tamirah bint Salah (dubhessa): /me makes a gesture with my hands, a blessing for having returned the home stone of Teehra to it's rightful place, before moving away from the Pasha, a prayer whispered to the Djinn and Fate, carried upon the winds of Mother Tahari

[2021/08/28 12:41] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): "Hail Teehra! Hail to the Home Stone of Teehra!"

[2021/08/28 12:41] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): He pauses for a moment to give the audience time to admire the home stone. Then he sits back down and looks to Amir if there are any others who would like to speak.

[2021/08/28 12:42] Cora (corinne.elan): keeps silent, sitting and watches everyone, her blue eyes moving around

[2021/08/28 12:42] Astary Pendragon: /me Hail Teehra!"

[2021/08/28 12:42] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "Hail Teehra."

[2021/08/28 12:42] Chocolate Halcali: /me stands in honor of this great day, a city reborn, she then pats her shoulder several times

[2021/08/28 12:42] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me pauses as he waits for the others to sit down before stepping up to offer the friendship of Two Scimitars."

[2021/08/28 12:42] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): "The most noble ambassador of Two Scimitars, my Pasha" he says and bows inviting Tryggs to speak

[2021/08/28 12:43] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me nods and smiles to Trygg.

[2021/08/28 12:43] Karl Stevenson (skyking924): thumps my shoulder in honor of the Great and Noble city reborn

[2021/08/28 12:43] Storm (tradino): repeats with tears in his eyes. "Hail Teehra! Hail to the Home Stone of Teehra!"

[2021/08/28 12:43] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me rises and faces the crowd, and he nods to the ((NPC)) drovers, hand picked by him for this caravan, to prepare to bring the gifts. "Pasha," he nods to Philippe. "Civitiatii of the Caravanserai of Teehra, guests of the Pasha on this auspicious occasion, I am Trygg Tyran, Ambassador of the Oasis of Two Scimitars and I come to honor and praise the Carravanserai and the Pasha, on this the day of his investiture."

[2021/08/28 12:43] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): smiles as the Ambassador of his own City approaches.

[2021/08/28 12:43] Chocolate Halcali: /me takes her sit and continues to listen

[2021/08/28 12:43] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me thumps his shoulder as well, and sits down.

[2021/08/28 12:43] Sheikh Anvar Jaziran (anvarra.alecto): ziwajti dae hadhih aljudran hamil yutih hadhih alsuyuf tahmi alsamah lihadhih aleuyun waturaqib aleadalat walsharaf

[2021/08/28 12:44] Daros (aalt4): /me smiles back at Jason as he sits back down.

[2021/08/28 12:44] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): "Philippe, we have known each other a long time, and of all the men I have met in the Tahari, I can think of no better man than you to shepherd the Carvanaserai to its rightful place as a capital of trade and commerce, and of an important watering station for caravans across the Tahari. I lift a glass of pure Teehra water, perhaps.. " he hedges, "the purest and freshest water of the Tahari, to wish you well in your endeavor, and I offer you greetings from the Administrator and the High Council of Two Scimitars to honor the occasion."

[2021/08/28 12:44] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me smiles at Trygg slipping the 'perhaps' in there, diplomatic as ever.

[2021/08/28 12:45] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "Hear, hear!"

[2021/08/28 12:45] Joshao ibn Aurum al Samini (karaden.finesmith): /me thumps his shoulder "Inshallah!" he replies softly

[2021/08/28 12:45] LordMan (plm1234098): /me stands up to show respect to teehra's homestone , he looks at stone which is having so much importance , he retakes his sit after showing his respect without saying word

[2021/08/28 12:46] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me snaps his fingers and calls the drovers over. "Set them there, men." as the burly drovers set down four items: a barrel, a crate, and two sacks. "I offer you as tribute these products of Two Scimitars, for you and for your City. A sack of yellow salt from the mines of Scimitars, so pure we call it golden; a sack of desert sa-tarna grain to sustain you, a barrel of Scimitars Ubar's Blend sa-paga, a fine blend, and finally a crate of pressed dates, worth an Ubar's ransom, to please you. With our compliments, please accept these gifts."

[2021/08/28 12:47] Sheikha Jula (redrosez.balzibo): she smiles behind her veil as she stares at the back of her companion's head . Whispering softly as she says.. la tashrab alma' alkirista!!!!

[2021/08/28 12:47] Jason Hanni: /me watches the ceremony in wide eyed wonder. he smiles sweetly at the Master blacksmith then lowers his gaze again, attention returned to the pomp

[2021/08/28 12:48] Sheikh Anvar Jaziran (anvarra.alecto): chuckles at his sweet scorpion companion

[2021/08/28 12:49] Sheikh Anvar Jaziran (anvarra.alecto): OH my lil scorpion I started making soap

[2021/08/28 12:50] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me nods throughout the man's speech and when he is done he sits up again. "Trygg, my friend and allie of many years. It means a lot to me to hear these words from you and in the name of Teehra I thank you and the Oasis of Two Scimitars for the generous gifts you have brought. I am sure that our alliance will last many more years." He knows well the value of the gifts the amabassador has brought to Teehra. He nods to Amir, who will know to organize for the gifts to be taken out of the sun.

[2021/08/28 12:50] Joshao ibn Aurum al Samini (karaden.finesmith): 'atamanaa 'an taeish hadhih alwahat li'alf 'alf sanatin!

[2021/08/28 12:51] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): he turns to the slaves and gestures for them to take care of the gifts and bring them at Philippe's palace

[2021/08/28 12:51] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me nods in respect as he calls out to the drovers. "Take these away and guard them until instructed to do otherwise men." He bows his head to Philippe. "Thank you Pasha. Your generosity is very gratifying." as he takes his seat.

[2021/08/28 12:51] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): "A thousand years!"

[2021/08/28 12:52] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me smiles to Joshao and his son and thanks them with a slow nod.

[2021/08/28 12:52] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): he smiles as Trygg sits then turns to Philippe "the noble head merchant of the city of Windermeer, my Pasha" he says thus inviting the merchant to stand and speak

[2021/08/28 12:52] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me looks with interest.

[2021/08/28 12:53] Daros (aalt4): /me looks with interest to the merchant.

[2021/08/28 12:53] Karl Stevenson (skyking924): Upon hearing his name rises and bows to the Seat Most High. "Most Noble Pasha, honorable High of Teehra, and all present. It is with the greatest joy I welcome the rebirth of this great and Noble City from the sands. May waters flow in abundance forever! Please accept an array of gems mined from our Land as a gift of Friendship"

[2021/08/28 12:53] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): "Windermeer!" he calls out. "You have travelled a long way to be here today. For that I thank you. Step forward, head merchant of Windermeer"

[2021/08/28 12:55] Sheikh Anvar Jaziran (anvarra.alecto): Pulling Jula and eden closer he whispers into their ears and almost growls"remind me to never ever again take that job again"

[2021/08/28 12:55] Karl Stevenson (skyking924): bows and sits

[2021/08/28 12:55] Sheikha Jula (redrosez.balzibo): "whispers you don't want that job looks at him with daggers in my eyes"

[2021/08/28 12:56] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me sighs as Scimitars is not known for it's gems but he applauds the gift of Windermeer.

[2021/08/28 12:56] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): again he signals the slaves to take care of the gifts then he smiles to the merchant and looks at the other guests with a nod and speaks again "the noble ambassador of the city of Thentis" he announces

[2021/08/28 12:57] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): is impressed by the number of noble dignitaries,

[2021/08/28 12:57] Chocolate Halcali: Thank you Amir. I stand before you Pasha of the City of Teehra as Ambassador of the City of Thentis. I am honored to be here to see your installation and we welcome good relations between our two cities. *motions to the the men traveled with her to bring forth the gifts of roasted black wine beans* we bring 4 stones of black wine beans to you to show our appreciation for our friendship *smiles* May our friendship grow into a future alliance. *bows and retakes her seat*

[2021/08/28 12:57] Gibran (thurmondharou): /me moves off as the free speak, helping ina prepare the feasting table with the other slaves, laying out breads and foods to please

[2021/08/28 12:57] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me smiles and accepts that the merchant does not want to step in the middle to speak. "In the name of this city I accept your generous gift. We appreciate that you have come here today and assure our friendship."

[2021/08/28 12:58] Cora (corinne.elan): smiles broadly seeing the beans and turns for a moment to look at Philippe before resuming her controlled pose

[2021/08/28 12:58] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me smiles at the Windermeer and Thentis visitors

[2021/08/28 12:59] Tamirah bint Salah (dubhessa): /me gasps seeing the blackwine beans....a wealthy gift

[2021/08/28 12:59] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): gasps slightly at the incredibly valuable gift of the beans.

[2021/08/28 13:00] LordMan (plm1234098): /me hoping that new pasha will like a gift give by our ambassador , he just keep looking at him to know his reply and reaction

[2021/08/28 13:01] LordMan (plm1234098): given*

[2021/08/28 13:01] Daros (aalt4): /me stifles a gasp as well.

[2021/08/28 13:01] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me nods, pursing his lips at the offer of blackwine beans of Thentis. Very impressive, very impressive, he thinks to himself, weighing the relative values of the gifts but his face is as placid and friendly as can be, as he smiles at the Ambassador, very impressed. He ponders a way to get an audience with her at a later date.

[2021/08/28 13:03] Hula (hulapop.mahoney): /me stands politely with respect, holding a small brass bottle, firmly capped.

[2021/08/28 13:04] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me glances back at his fellow Scimitarians a moment. then notes the visitor he hadn't noticed yer.,

[2021/08/28 13:05] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me glances to his intended, knowing that she will be more than pleased by the gift from Thentis. "We thank you for your generous gift and I can assure you that it will be highly valued among the people of Teehra. We welcome you to this city and I'm sure our alliance, which is very important to us, has great potential to grow."

[2021/08/28 13:05] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): he is of course impressed with the gifts, each of them precious and meaningful and he cannot but smile although he tries to keep a professional coutenance

[2021/08/28 13:06] Chocolate Halcali: /me nods with a happy expression beneath her veil

[2021/08/28 13:07] Hula (hulapop.mahoney): /me waits for the right moment to step forward and takes a chance...

[2021/08/28 13:08] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): sees Hula and nods to her then looks at Philippe "my Pasha, I think someone else wishes to address you"

[2021/08/28 13:09] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me looks to Amir again, but the same moment a man steps forward, so he smiles and waves him closer to the throne. "You are welcome to speak." he offers

[2021/08/28 13:09] Storm (tradino): glances curious to the next man stepping forward.

[2021/08/28 13:11] Daros (aalt4): /me looks over as Caprius gets up.

[2021/08/28 13:12] Hula (hulapop.mahoney): /me bows politely to the Pasha and the lady and begins to address him breifly. Salaam Pasha, I am Hulapop, Physician of Genesia, but I come representing only my family. It is with great pleasure to meet you and to congratulate you on your new title and responsibilities. As a chemist and surgeon I have formulated something special to offer you as a gift this day, to join in celebration. Hula offers a small shiny bottle with a cap securly attached and presents it. I suggested you keep this bottle sealed until you find use for it. Hula offers a bottle of capture scent.

[2021/08/28 13:12] Hula (hulapop.mahoney): /me bows and withdraws

[2021/08/28 13:13] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me looks with interest.

[2021/08/28 13:13] Cora (corinne.elan): looks at the man with interest, surprised and tries to see what is inside the shiny bottle, extremely curious as to its content

[2021/08/28 13:14] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me squints trying to get a clue as to what's in the bottle, which of course is impossible. He then looks at Philippe to see if he can draw a conclusion from the look on his face. He does not comment of course.

[2021/08/28 13:15] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): "Genesia" he repeats under his breath taking a mental note to visit the city- He squints too, trying to guess what is inside the bottle

[2021/08/28 13:15] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): is also curious, but his expression does not change.

[2021/08/28 13:16] Daros (aalt4): /me looks as well, and silently wonders if he should make a trip that way sometime as well.

[2021/08/28 13:17] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me's eyes widen with interest. "Hulopop, Physician of Genesia, be welcome in Teehra. I have visited your city, long ago. A very beautiful place." he looks at the small bottle closely, turns it and lift a brow. "I am of the caste of Physicians myself, and I can only guess what is in there. But I should probably tell my intended not to try and open it?" he smirks and inclines his head for a moment. "Thank you, physician, for your visit today and also thank you for .. this."

[2021/08/28 13:17] Storm (tradino): now that was a surprise, as it does not seem the offer of a profane drink. He cock his head and merely smiles.

[2021/08/28 13:18] Cora (corinne.elan): she turns to look at Philippe now even more intrigued and surely she will pester Philippe until he reveals the content of the bottle

[2021/08/28 13:18] Tamirah bint Salah (dubhessa): /me glances to Cora, praying that her curiosity does not get the better of her, noticing her interest in the small bottle

[2021/08/28 13:19] Karl Stevenson (skyking924): bows his head with the knowledge my Companion makes this potion and many more for her aerosols

[2021/08/28 13:19] Hula (hulapop.mahoney): Gratitude for your hospitality, Pasha. You may find it useful in extreme circumstances. Let your victim hale it to cause them to lose consciousness.

[2021/08/28 13:20] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): arches a brow as he realizes what it is and looks at Philippe, it is indeed an unusual gift but his Pasha, being a physician surely knows how to use it safely

[2021/08/28 13:20] Daros (aalt4): /me raises an eyebrow, understanding the advice now.

[2021/08/28 13:21] Izar ibn Sua (izarsua): /me reminds himself to hide the herbs from Hula in the future unless it's siproot

[2021/08/28 13:21] Cora (corinne.elan): "oh" she exclaims now realizing what the content of the mysterious bottle may be and stares at the physician from Genesia not hiding her surprise

[2021/08/28 13:22] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me nods slowly, still smiling. He was right, that's what he thought would be in the small bottle. He smirks. A very creative gift, he finds. "Thank you and for as long as you wish to stay, you are our guest of course."

[2021/08/28 13:22] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me looks to Hula with a bit more interest at the unusual gift. Then to Philippe and company.

[2021/08/28 13:23] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me chuckles to himself, not a Physician but he ponders the gift, figuring perhaps it is an inside joke between Physicians. His expression is placid and engaged.

[2021/08/28 13:24] Hula (hulapop.mahoney): /me replies humbly, Gratitude Pasha. I am in service to all who desire healing.

[2021/08/28 13:26] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me nods to the physician and then turns to Amir to see if there were still more guests who would like to speak.

[2021/08/28 13:27] Daros (aalt4): /me looks over as Joshao gets up.

[2021/08/28 13:27] Joshao ibn Aurum al Samini (karaden.finesmith): Philippe, Pasha, my very dear friend, While it has already been delivred, please accept the kbarrel of fine wine, aged to perfection, Gran reserva 2013, as a token of my, and of Oasis of two Scimitars' deep appreciation for you, your deeds, and your new position and Oasis!"

[2021/08/28 13:28] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me looks over as the Thentis man excuses himself.

[2021/08/28 13:28] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): has been surveying the assemble and shakes his head to let Philippe know that there are no more persons who wish to address him

[2021/08/28 13:28] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me smiles back at Joshao.

[2021/08/28 13:28] Jason Hanni: /me lifts his eyes slightly watching the Head Merchant rise, he looks regal in his fine robes

[2021/08/28 13:28] Trygg Tyran (tryggtyran): /me smiles at Jaoshao as he presents his gift and nods in approval.

[2021/08/28 13:28] Daros (aalt4): /me smiles at Joshao.

[2021/08/28 13:29] Joshao ibn Aurum al Samini (karaden.finesmith): /me returns to his seat, feeling proud of his old friend

[2021/08/28 13:30] Tariq ibn Joshao al Samini (kitten.serpente): quickly signals the slaves to remove the brazier, taking care not to burn their hands.

[2021/08/28 13:31] Storm (tradino): smiles at his boss Joshao, at least part time when he acts as second assistant to the HoC merchant of Scimitar. As always he found something special.

[2021/08/28 13:31] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me smiles widely when Joshao stands to speak. "Joshao, you know how to please a Pasha!" he laughs. "I thank you, my friend, for your gift. You remember that it is my favorite. Teehra will add it to its list of specialties. I hope that from today on it won't be years before we meet again. I'm glad you could make it today."

[2021/08/28 13:31] Lunɑ Echo (celestialechos): /me gathered things from the table and placed them on a tray she could carry, snacks and drinks and things the Free could eat with their hands. She filled some glasses with various things and begun to circle around the visiting and non visiting Free offering them things "drinks? nibbles?" she would issue out in kind.

[2021/08/28 13:32] Zahra (maeverite): /me follows behind Luna, her tray ladden with delectable fruits, bread and drink

[2021/08/28 13:32] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): looks at Tami and tilts his head to tell her to help Luna

[2021/08/28 13:33] Joshao ibn Aurum al Samini (karaden.finesmith): /me chuckles happily, delighted for his friend

[2021/08/28 13:33] Gibran (thurmondharou): /me stokes the fires under the bosk carcass, the smell of the slow cooked meat starting to waft across the area. A fine sacrifice and a better meal, eying the temple in the background unhappily as he checked the the feast

[2021/08/28 13:33] Daros (aalt4): /me smiles at Joshao and Philippe. Then looks with interest to the kajra with the drinks and snacks.

[2021/08/28 13:34] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): Again he looks to Amir. Philippe has a very pleased look on his face. Amir doesn't seem to have anyone else to speak on his list, so Philippe adresses the guests. ""Citizens of Teehra, Friends and Allies. Today, a new era begins. Teehra will rise a city again. I wish to give thanks to all those who came here, for whatever reason: as travellers, or seeking a new place to live, and stayed in Teehra. You have helped to grow the caravanserai. You are the ones who made it what it is today. Without you, there would be no Teehra.

[2021/08/28 13:35] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): To show my gratitude I have decided, that from today on, the palace gardenswill be open to everyone who wishes to enjoy them. There will be no guards at the gates of the gardens anymore." he pauses for a moment.

[2021/08/28 13:35] Arnulfr (aaron.kukulcan): /me thumps his shoulder. He could say the same about people of his own city. Then smiles a bit at Philippe again.

[2021/08/28 13:35] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): "And you, our friends and allies, have made sure that the trade routes between Teehra and so many places of the Tahari and beyond stay open and grow. Today we are all gathered here and to honor our friendship. I announce that we will share the meat of the bosk with all who are here today! Enjoy!" he calls out and nods to Amir to proceed.

[2021/08/28 13:36] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): nods at Philippe's words then when the new Pasha has concluded his speech he speaks in a firm, professional tone "There being no further business this day, this assembly is ended. For the new Pasha and his Lady."

[2021/08/28 13:36] Amir al-Sharif ibn Khaldun (roleplayer2018): For the City of Teehra, Hurrah!

[2021/08/28 13:36] Tamirah bint Salah (dubhessa): Huzzah!!

[2021/08/28 13:36] Philippe (philippede.beaumont): /me stands and calls out "Let the Day’s Festivities begin!"



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